Life of Mack

Sunday, November 02, 2008


DeBrat and Evil Face are hooking up very well. They either raise hell together or on each other. Never a moment of silence unless Spongebob or iCarly is on. But they've seem all the episodes and re-runs don't hold their attention well.

This year will be the only year they're not in the same school together for quite a while. It nice for them to get some away time. DeBrat is very social as expected, but Evil Face is coming to her own now too.

They're just so damn good looking, Sleepy and I are already making plans to keep an eye on them as they get older.

The Bear is a Repeat Offender

The Bear is starting off the school year with a bang again. He was failing most of his classes, but somehow got this English Lit teacher to put him in honors because he'll obviously do better if he's challenge. Anyways, I have to be a monkey on his back again.

One of his friends is ban from a local school. The staff there said they'll call the cops if he comes by again, but he won't tell what his friend did.

The Color gang went Trick or Treating and discovery a racist lady, so he says. I'm not sure which house it is, but if I hurry, maybe I'll be able to spot the toilet paper.

The Bear is officially the largest person in the house. He actually out weights me by his little sister. Him and all his friends seem to be larger than their teachers already and it's still a couple of years before high school. I need to get to the birds and the bees soon cause he's staring to get hairy.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Sleepy Wakes Up

Sleepy got mental after being home with the kids for 5 years. She's dumped her home buz and started doing all kinds of stuff outside.

It all started with Dancing with the Stars. She took some Salsa lessons. Then became very good and even taught a class for a short while, but decide she didn't have the patience. I could have told her that. She got certificate as a dance aerobics instructor and teaches about 8 classes a week. On top of that, she's landed a DJ gig and even some catering. This all took place in less than a year. Plus she try very hard to dump a few months ago, but I stick like flies to a pile of doodoo, so she eventually gave up trying to get rid of me(at least for now).

With her schedule, I find it hard to get away to be Speedracer. I picked up a motorsickle recently to explore all the local twisties.