Life of Mack

Monday, November 20, 2006

Old Hick Gangsters

Sleepy's got some "family" back home living the hick gangster lifestyle. Old Punk calls Sleepy a couple of weeks ago and tells her that he's been hired along a gang of other thugs to travel to another city to rough some guys up. He wanted her to know in case he didn't make it back to tell his wife what happened. A few days later, he calls back and says he didn't go cause the guys transporting the weapons got arrested on the way and his friends thinks he's a wuss for not going anyways. He calls back again and saids one of this friends got stab a few times and needed surgery to survive. See, back in the old country, if you can't afford to paid for a live saving procedure, you die. So they borrow some money to get this friend fixed up. So now the guy whom he borrowed from wants that money back and he turns out to be loan sharks. These guys do have a lot of gangster logic. They plan to find the guy who stab the friend and persuade him to gave them some money for their troubles. Presummably to pay off the loan shark. After all, that's only fair right.


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