Life of Mack

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Jerk

The Jerk is Sleepy's Ex and the Bear's biological father. Sleepy got tired of his crap and is taking him back to court to more child support and reduced visitation, not that he was visiting much now dispite being 5 minutes away. I served him the papers a couple of weeks ago.

He came over to pick up the Bear on his work day and Sleepy said no. He came back with the cops. Sleepy made him look like an ass and the Bear said he didn't want to go. The Jerk didn't file since he was caught lying to the cops. Now Sleepy is really pissed and is going to nail him to the wall in court. Since it's still in litigation, I won't say much about it now.

Baby Gates

Baby Gates was a friend from middle school. I was originally friends with his brother. But his brother's bad attitude got him send to his biological father's, where he had a few too many poofs of the magic dragon and left school.

Baby Gates got his first paying gig in high school developing an on-line game for some guy that wanted to start a BBS. BBS is old school internet that you dial up to on a 300 or 900 baud modem. That venture failed through, but he got a free computer out of it. We room together in college for a while, but didn't really connect and he moved out half way thought the year. We haven't really kept in touch, but I ran into him a few weeks ago and we went to lunch this past Monday.

He's heard a bit about me, presumablly from Pants on Fire(one of the more interesting characters I know). Baby Gates started a high tech company a couple of years ago(before the age of 30) and it's doing pretty well. His farther started a bunch of startups in his day, and now develops land somewhere.

He had one kid, plans to have one more, and has inhereted a nephew as a son from his wife's side. He didn't go into why except that the kid's parents aren't capable of caring for him. He mentioned that he and his wife didn't bond well with the nephew since they got him when he was about 5. I'm sure he tries to treat the kid well, cause he's generally a nice person. But kids and feel stuff like that better than women and they will act out.

The Rambling Gambler Update

The Rambling Gambler got another crappy job. We heard from the Snitch(Rambling Gambler's friend who would tell Sleepy anything she ask) Rambling's business venture fell through. He apparently took a bunch of orders(and money I presume) and didn't deliver. Probably blew the money on drugs and gambling. He didn't have money to paid the rent and got evicted.

He got a new wife a couple of years ago in the old country. Her family is well to do and runs a bunch of business. He's been BSing her for a while into thinking he's a competent person. She arrived a few months ago with her teenage daughter and found out what a POS he really is. She came her to get a better future for her daughter, so she's going to stay. But her standard of living is way down and I'm sure she's the one paying for most of the living expenses for all 3 of them. That medical degree back home won't qualify her to do much here. Rambling Gambler's son doesn't visit him anymore. Not since the Snitch ratted out the he's been on drugs.

The Rambling Gambler's brother(Wife Beater) spotted him in their home town a while back. Their mother was sick(posslbe dead now), but the Gambler didn't stop by to see her. Now he's been ostrazed by his family. That's really bad for the Gambler, cause Wife Beater is very rich and well connected.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Old Hick Gangsters

Sleepy's got some "family" back home living the hick gangster lifestyle. Old Punk calls Sleepy a couple of weeks ago and tells her that he's been hired along a gang of other thugs to travel to another city to rough some guys up. He wanted her to know in case he didn't make it back to tell his wife what happened. A few days later, he calls back and says he didn't go cause the guys transporting the weapons got arrested on the way and his friends thinks he's a wuss for not going anyways. He calls back again and saids one of this friends got stab a few times and needed surgery to survive. See, back in the old country, if you can't afford to paid for a live saving procedure, you die. So they borrow some money to get this friend fixed up. So now the guy whom he borrowed from wants that money back and he turns out to be loan sharks. These guys do have a lot of gangster logic. They plan to find the guy who stab the friend and persuade him to gave them some money for their troubles. Presummably to pay off the loan shark. After all, that's only fair right.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Mame is up and running

I got MAME(old arcade hardware emulator) up and running with all the ROMs on my home machine. I also got a HotRod joystick. Everyone loves it, wife, kids, toddler. I got MAME Pinball up a couple of days ago and been practicing on GnR and 8ball tables. I got 5 DVDs full of zipped tables, and I may put a few more on my PC. Not too many thought. I want to resist the urge to try a bunch of them and not get any good at any of them.

I been browsing sites on building a cabinet and front ends. When the garage gets cleaned out, I'll consider getting a decent setup. It'll be great to have a wheel, light guns, and yolkstick.

I got a bunch of console emulator/ROMs and some Arcade LD games too, but haven't had the time to try those out yet. I do get the slight urge to play Dragon's Lair and Space Ace.